Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Good thoughts from my Dad...

In regard to last night's post...

When looking at sin it is good to look at the origination of sin on earth, as far as we know the original sin would be the events that caused the fall of belzibulb from heaven.

The origin of sin in man would be, as you so aptly stated, the fall of Adam and Eve. But what was the cause of the fall? Genesis 3 tells us that Eve fell for satan's lie that God wanted to withhold something good from her because God did not want him to be as smart as He. Bottom line is that she wanted to be like God instead of being His obedient and blessed creation. That is the source of much heretical thought. Most false religions allow followers to become gods in some fashion. Others come through people who will not acknowledge the Lordship of Christ in their lives. They think they can do it alone and to bring Christ into the equasion diminishes themselves.

The thing we have as Christians is that if we acknowledge our inability to live as Christ designed us to live, sinless, and recognize that it is our weakness that causes this condition not a whimsical desire of God's that we be held under His control even though we are capable of so much more; then we can be free to be used of God without the pressure to live up to some man made standard.


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