Submission time baby!!!!
So, we went through Eph. 5 a couple weeks ago, but better late than never, so here you go!
Eph. 5 was a great chapter, full of fun, non-controversial topics like the roles of men and women! But before we get there, Paul addresses another important topic. In the first half of Eph. 5, Paul really sets a high standard for Believers to live by. Particularly striking to me was in vs. 4 when he says 'there must be no filthinies and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.' I often find myself slipping into coarse joking or insinuating around my friends when there are no other non-believers around, because I don't have to maintain my 'witness.' But, this is hypocritical, in that we are called to honor Christ at all times. I was challenged by this to clean up my own behavior! But what Eph. 5 is most known for is its address of the roles of men and women.
There was much anticipation regarding this chapter, because the way many people interpret the verses in 5:21-33 can vary, usually causing strife that shouldn't be there or fear to tackle an important issue.
The 'popular' thing to do is only quote vs. 22 'Wives, be subject to your own husbands.' That is where many stop and use this as a way to try and put women in their place. But, they forget to keep reading! The verse continues and says 'Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as unto the Lord.' Paul then goes on to describe the role of wives as one of submission to their husbands as the church submits to Christ. But, the women get off easy! (not really, submitting to Christ can really be tough for us selfish humans). Verses 25-29 explain the role of husbands. Paul says that we must treat our wives like Christ treated His church.
So, would you rather have to be the church or Christ? Both are hard, but being called to act as Christ did towards the church is a tall order. Why? oh yeah, because Christ was PERFECT!
I think what Paul is communicating is that if we seek to fulfill the roles above, we will honor God first and each other second. Strong, vibrant and whole relationships will ensue and we will feel secure in the roles God has called us to. Figuring out the nuances and exact definition of what those roles are in every day life, I'll leave up to you!
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