Thursday, March 09, 2006

God in the small things

You ever have one of those weeks where you just feel like Atlas, where you have the world on your shoulders? I had/am having one of those weeks. I'm not sad, depressed or feel distant from God, just burdened. Anyone relate? I'm sure you do!

Well, I was out at lunchtime getting some fresh air and enjoying the warmer weather when I noticed some blooms coming out of a tree near my office. I went over and smelled them! The frangrance of blossoms in the spring is one of God's greatest gifts to us (in my opinion). I felt much better and renewed in strength to push on with the day.

God used something as small and unassuming as a bloom to remind me that He is there, even in the most unlooked for places. It reminded me of the story of Elijah (or was it Moses, or someone else!??), when he went up on the mountain and God sent howling wind, rain, thunder, lightning and all this crazy stuff to him, but He wasn't in any of that. Then God came in a calm breeze that blowed by; the most unlooked for and unexpected place Elijah thought God would be.

Praise God for His blessings in the unlooked for! May He bless you with that today.


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