What a week!!!!!
Sometimes you have one of those weeks where it seems like nothing goes right for you and you just keep getting out of bed on the wrong side! For whatever reason, I had one of those this past week. Just seemed off for a few days, then my wife got rear-ended and my car was smashed up. Her car doesn't work due to a security alarm malfunction, a good friend of mine is experiencing a really difficult time and I got a rejection letter regarding a job I had applied to in Denver! I kind of feel like I can relate to Job, albeit only in a very small way. (He had to definitely deal with more than me!)
The job thing hurt the most, cause we've been waiting 3 weeks to hear and had been thinking that was where God wanted us/me. However, my initial thoughts are that it is probably better that I'm not working full time so I can concentrate more on my school and theology training, which is the most important thing right now!
A few years ago, all these things would have crushed me, because they carry much more weight and responsibility than previous issues did. However, I look back and am thankful that God put me through what he did over the last several years, because I was able to look at that and see His provision in my life. Those experiences have helped me grow to the point where I can trust God and know that He will provide, because He has proved to do so in the past!
There aren't many things that are certain in this world...but the One thing that is certain is that God indeed works all things for the good for those that love Him, and that He is with us, even to the end of the age. Having finally arrived at a place where I can truly grasped the meaning of this (at least a little!), I can stare adversity in the face and the obstacles that look hopelessly big and dismiss their impossibility because with those that love God, ANYTHING is possible and He ALWAYS takes care of those who love Him.
At the end of a week where many would drink away the week at a bar someplace, I can praise my God for how awesome He is and walk into the scary, dark and very unknown with the confidence that He will be my Shepherd and strength! AMEN and praise be to God!!!
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