Monday, June 12, 2006


I think it's a common mistake among Christians to only accept just enough of God's grace to make us feel like we are forgiven by Him, but not by ourselves. Because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, when we ask for forgiveness, it's total. Many times I've found myself not really willing to accept the full measure of His grace, leaving myself wallowing in guilt and weighed down by my own imperfection.

However, I don't believe that this is what God intends or desires for us. I think that when we ask God's forgiveness and recieve it, we are completely clean and guilt no longer has a place. We must be able to fully accept His grace and move forward as if blameless in His sight, for that is what He sees. I think it is a powerful tool of Satan to hold us down with guilt over sins God has forgiven us for. By paralyzing us in that, he keeps us from truly honoring and loving God. Becuase, are we really being faithful to God if we ask forgiveness, but only allow ourselves to accept it partially?

I would contend that being faithful to Christ and honoring Him means we do not try to pay 'penance' for our sins, but rather fully accept his grace and forgiveness, praising Him for these things in the context of understanding that we in no way even come close to deserving it.

Next time you sin, don't pay your 'penance' and then ask for forgiveness. Do it right away and accept it. It'll feel wierd, awkward and underserving. But, God gives it to us anyway, because He loves us in spite of our selves! That's pretty ridiculous, too!

May God's grace be full in your life and give you the freedom He inteded it to.


Blogger Espanola said...

The Word tells us that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, and I definitely think that sin does its part to drive away that spirit, but the key is to remember that spirit and persevere to regain and rediscover it in the midst of our sin. I love Jesus for the grace he imparted to us.

9:22 PM  

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