Friday, June 16, 2006

A Summons

(Matt. 10:1, 5-14; 28:18-20; and Acts 9:3-6, 15-16)
In Matthew 10, Jesus sends out the 12 disciples on their first mission. Most translations will read in Verse 1 "Jesus called His disciples to Him and said..." However, in the NASB version, it says Jesus 'Summoned' His disciples to Him.

Have you ever recieved a jury summons? It gives the air of responsibility, something larger than you, a sense of responsibility. It's not something you can just skip, it carries a weight and responsibility that a calling doesn't.

Wouldn't it be wierd if you 'summoned' someone? Instead of saying, 'I called so and so,' you say 'I summoned so and so.' I think (hope) you get the idea.

So, after the summons in verse 1, Jesus goes on to give them instructions for their mission (vs. 5-14).

I may go into detail on this later (no promises :D!), but I'd like to briefly parallel this 'summons' with two others; the 'Great Commission' and Paul's Conversion.

In each of these examples, there are two clear actions that happen.

1. Jesus summons those He wants. (Matt. 10:1, 28:18; Acts 9:3-4)

2. He gives instruction/direction on what He wants them to do. (Matt. 10:5-14, 28:19-20; Acts 9:15-16.

I can't tell you what or how Jesus will 'summon' you to the task He created you to do, but I do know this; That when He does summon you, you will know it and He is always faithful to point the way to what that is.

So to that end, my challenge would be this:

Pray and seek for His patience in waiting for the summons, because that waiting time is one of the hardest things to endure. I know from experience!

Once it comes, be faithful to follow it, no matter how hard or crazy it might seem. Becuase He will be faithful and will provide all that you will need to fulfill His summons in your life! And the fulfillment you desire will be found in that place that Jesus leads you.



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